Preventive Measures against COVID-19

In view of the recent events concerning COVID-19, and the evolving situation, we would like to reassure you.
The health and well-being of our employees and customers is at the heart of our values. In these tough times, Spectra Premium is doing everything in its power to put in place the necessary preventive measures to ensure a safe work environment.
To date, all employees of Les Industries Spectra Premium Inc. have received information on the preventive measures to be followed.
Here are some measures that we implemented:
- Creation of a COVID-19 Management Committee which keeps watch on all new developments
- Increase in the cleaning frequency of all our facilities
- Dedicated teams desinfect door knobs during each work shift, at every location
- A sensitization campaign "Your Health is in your Hands" has been launched throughout the company
- Administrative employees work from home
- We ask our employees to avoid all non-essential gatherings and choose technology
- We have modified the break schedules to limit the number of people in common locations and facilitate distancing
- We ask to all smokers to avoid dedicated smoking areas, but rather to spread out across our parking lot
- We have implemented a new process of the truck drivers
- All employees, visitors, subcontractors and truck drivers going to Boucherville must report to security before being admitted in our facilities
- Visitors to other locations are subjected to the same conditions as our employees
- The Boucherville Headquarters' reception will closed from Monday, March 23rd until further notice
- We have created an email account to answer employees' question and monitor their health situation
- We have created a multidisciplinary committee to elaborate and plan the appropriate measures to implement your eventual return to work while respecting public health recommendations
- We created and shared instructional videos about preventive health measure in Boucherville (QC) Laval(QC) and Greenfield(IN) locations. Example of the Boucherville video
- Since early June, all employees and visitors in Indiana locations must wear a face mask. From July 20th, all employees and visitors in the province of Quebec must also wear a face mask.
In order to support the safe return of our employees to the production sites of Laval and Boucherville in the province of Quebec, we have elaborated a complete COVID-19 prevention plan that follows the recommendations of Public Health agencies: read the complete preventive plan.
Despite current lock-downs, Spectra Premium Industries Inc. continues its distribution of parts that are essential to vehicle repair in the Quebec and Indiana regions. In compliance with government orders, the company had ceased most of its manufacturing and administrative operations in Quebec, and has since gradually restarted its aftermarket manufacturing under the guidelines of the sanitary prevention plan.
We continue to monitor closely the situation and we will make to respect the recommendations communicated by the governments. We adapt as we go along and will keep you informed of any changes.